Rameez Khan

Web Designer

Graphic Designer

Wordpress Developer

Front-end Developer

Amazon Virtual Assistant


UI / UX Designer


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Rameez Khan

Web Designer

Graphic Designer

Wordpress Developer

Front-end Developer

Amazon Virtual Assistant


UI / UX Designer

Crabtree & Evelyn

  • Created By: Rameez Khan
  • Year: 2014
  • Client: Crabtree & Evelyn
  • Categories: Website Design & Development

Crabtree & Evelyn was founded in 1972 by Cyrus Harvey. The name Crabtree & Evelyn was inspired by John Evelyn, a 17th century botanist, and the English Crabapple tree, known for its beauty and use in home apothecary. Initially a small, family run business, the first store specialist in fine soaps sourced from around the world.

I was worked on Simply Abu Dhabi website in 2014 Designed & Developed from Plumsmedia /Eclat Systems ( www.eclatsystems.com/).